Thank you. I'd like to thank the committee for inviting me to make a presentation on northern infrastructure and strategies.
Denendeh Investments is a business arm of 27 Dene First Nations in the Northwest Territories. I'd like to again acknowledge the first nations territory we are on.
[Witness speaks in Dene]
I will start with plan B, since we have limited time.
In 2014, all of the Dene chiefs passed a historic resolution supporting and promoting the concept of working together and with other indigenous governments to support controlled resource exploration and development, including the establishment of resource development and export corridors. We have motions, and I believe that committee members may have been provided with motions, or copies of those resolutions.
Having said that, I'm going to get to a summary, and then I'll get into the body and close.
In terms of how we want to do that and where we want to go, part of the messaging is that we need to look at empowering indigenous business to lead northern infrastructure development. Last month, in collaboration with the Government of Northwest Territories—and I believe, Minister Wally Schumann mentioned it during his presentation on October 17—was a second or third meeting of the Dene, Métis and the Inuvialuit, looking at how we can improve the economy of the Northwest Territories. We've discussed various ways to do that.
As you are aware, in every northern jurisdiction there is a requirement for funding. We would probably look at five-year funding, looking at a joint secretariat to start doing the studies and the research that's required. A lot of it is non-starters in the north, because you just don't have the capacity, or the soft costs that are able to be covered.
Another item is to create an indigenous infrastructure investment fund. In 1996, the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples stated it would cost about $20 billion to meet the infrastructure needs of indigenous communities in Canada. In today's numbers, that would probably exceed $30 billion to $40 billion. A key component of the indigenous infrastructure investment fund would designate federal dollars for infrastructure as indigenous equity in lieu of tenure for industry use.
We'd like to ensure capacity building through funding programs, loan guarantees and seed capital to allow indigenous corporations and businesses to be major players, and to adopt and enforce indigenous procurement policies, providing incentives to industry, business and corporations that purchase indigenous goods and services.
We'd like to promote real government-to-government relations where indigenous governments manage developmental monitoring and cleanup work of their own territories using their own development corporations and local businesses.
Lastly, we'd like implementation of the recommendations from the Royal Commission on Aboriginal People, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission call to action, and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
In terms of the resolution that the Dene nation passed, Denendeh is seeking to fulfill this mandate and help facilitate the establishment of the concept of indigenous-led resource and infrastructure development in the Northwest Territories and across the north with other indigenous governments. It is seeking support from the federal government to achieve this goal.
We've been promoting this concept at numerous conferences, forums, round tables and meetings such as the Arctic policy round table and framework round table. I've just returned from the Arctic Circle assembly in Reykjavik, Iceland where I participated in breakout and plenary sessions with our premier, Bob McLeod, on North American Arctic infrastructure.
Indigenous-led resource and infrastructure development appears to be gaining momentum in this country with the federal and territorial governments, in industry and, most importantly, within the indigenous governments and their organizations and businesses. That's being discussed more and more in the communities, in the regions, and territory-wide or pan-territorially wide.
At this point in time, the NWT is at a crossroads. Diamond production will fall and all three operating mines will probably close by 2034, or 2043 at the latest. Diavik is closing. I think they're scheduled for 2024, which is in six short years. That's very fast. It will possibly be 2027 for Dominion and for De Beers.
As you're all aware, it takes anywhere from 10 to 20 years to build a mine into operation—once you find it—after going through the regulatory processes, etc. We're going to have a wine glass effect here in the next little while where we have all this work and then there's going to be nothing. Even if there is development of some of the base metal or the gold mines, the Chamber of Mines says that probably three or four base metal mines won't even replace a Diavik, which hires 1,400 to 1,600 people. That's not going to make up the decline of the diamond production.
All of the sectors in the territory are going to suffer as a result of that declining production. We commissioned a report in January 2016 called “Choosing a Path Forward”. Of the several things it stated, one was that the greatest impact will be felt by NWT indigenous communities. Failure to understand and adapt to these changes could be disastrous for the long-term future of the communities and the regions in the north.
However, we do have a wealth of resources, as you're all aware. Indigenous governments have the power and the influence to create sustainable development policies. They're already being implemented through land claim agreements, etc. Certainly we can build societies of wealth through development policies and environmental solutions.
We do boast the highest median income in the country, but non-indigenous people in NWT have twice that of the indigenous population. Part of that report is that the NWT has the second highest poverty rate in the country. There's social infrastructure. There are various types of infrastructure such as roads, telecommunications and energy. Contributing to these challenges is the lack of infrastructure in the NWT.
I'm going to forgo a lot of this and just get directly to some of the benefits of indigenous-led infrastructure.
It's going to provide a pre-approved indigenous corridor for transportation, energy and communications infrastructure. It'll create its own source of revenue to indigenous governments through the land access agreements, royalties and tariffs. It will generate revenues for all other governments.
It will improve access to forestry, recreation, mining and isolated communities. It will create employment, training, skills development and business opportunities. It will provide certainty and control over the location, size and pace of development. It will provide environmental safeguards. It will create greater certainty for investment. It will help lower the cost of living in remote communities.
The Government of Northwest Territories has clearly acknowledged it cannot undertake the much-needed infrastructure and resource development without the full support and participation of the indigenous governments, their organizations and the respective businesses.
Recognizing the need to work together with a goal of finding a way for a collaborative approach, we hosted the indigenous leaders planning forum in May. We co-hosted the annual Arctic Indigenous Investment Conference. We collaborated with the economic symposium in October and we're having one in December.
Thank you.