Thank you, Madam Chair.
I just have a quick intervention before I turn it over to my colleague.
This is a notice of motion.
We all know that a massive budget implementation bill of 802 pages was tabled. There were some significant issues related to our committee. Of course, we're not going to be able to study that, so I think it's important that we consider this motion carefully when we get an opportunity.
The motion reads:
That, considering the government’s omnibus legislation, Bill C-86, A second Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on February 27, 2018 and other measures; and considering the statement in the Ministers’ mandate letters from the Prime Minister that Ministers be held accountable by Parliamentary Committees; officials from the Department of Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, and the Department of Indigenous Services Canada, appear before the Committee on November 7, 2018 for a briefing on amendments to the First Nations Land Management Act and the First Nations Fiscal Management Act, and a briefing on the Addition of Lands to Reserves and Reserve Creation Act; and that the Committee submit recommendations and amendments to the Standing Committee on Finance to be considered during its clause-by-clause consideration of the Bill.
Obviously, this is a notice of motion.
I certainly intend to bring this forward again because I think it's absolutely important that our committee examine these significant and important issues within this omnibus legislation.
I apologize to the witnesses, but I did need to get this notice of motion on the floor.
I understand my colleague Mr. Waugh would like to take over the questions.