Thank you, Chair.
My question is for Murad and this business case you're talking about with Churchill.
The Hudson Bay Railway serves two purposes. It services those communities, but it also presents the opportunity for Churchill to become a commercial port. If it is successful, it will be to some extent at the expense of other ports.
You touched on the example earlier when you mentioned the grain elevators in Thunder Bay. I know a little about that because I paid my way through university about 30 years ago by working in those grain elevators at Thunder Bay. At that time, it was the largest grain port in the world. It isn't anymore. During that six-week window in the summer when Churchill was running, there were a lot of people in Thunder Bay who got laid off and lost their overtime and didn't like Churchill. It hurt the economy in Thunder Bay.
If you're expanding the economic viability of the Churchill port beyond grain, who are the losers in that scenario?