I call the meeting to order.
Welcome, everybody. We are continuing to work on our study of Arctic infrastructure. Welcome to those joining us by video conference. Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), we are conducting a study on northern infrastructure projects and strategies.
Before we get into presentations, I'm going to ask all of us to think about Canada's commitment to truth and reconciliation and that we do that whether we're at an event or at a meeting like this. It's important for us to reflect on that to understand the truth and move towards a process of reconciliation.
We're here in Ottawa, the homeland and unceded territory of the Algonquin people. The Arctic, too, is the land of many indigenous bands and tribes. In how we move forward, it's very important to recognize the history there as well.
As for the way this works, you'll have up to 10 minutes to do your presentation. After both presentations, we will have an opportunity for the members of Parliament to ask you questions. From your testimony and your brief, a report will be written, which will be public and provided to all members of Parliament and the Government of Canada. We'll ask the government to reply to our recommendations.
Your participation is extremely important. Welcome.
Our first presenter is in Regina, where I can see on the screen what looks like the Inland offices to me.
You're speaking about AGT Food and Ingredients Inc. and you're the president and CEO. If you want to start, we will set the timer. I'll give you a signal when you're getting close to the end. You have up to 10 minutes.