Yes. Well, one thing is for sure: There's a big need to expand broadband and cellphone access across all of the northern regions. One thing I have been very encouraged by is the number of communities and individuals coming forward, showing an interest and looking at options. Let's hope we can all get there.
I've certainly registered your comments around open access. I believe that, as the Government of Canada continues to fund those backbone connections, open access is going to be very important.
I want to move to the Prospectors and Developers. I was a little taken aback by the comments regarding the slow growth of exploration in Canada. I come from a mining region—and maybe I see it differently—where we have two expanded projects, an underground mine and potentially a new mine all opening within 12 months.
How slow is that growth in exploration? I'd like you to give me some comparable figures. Where is the exploration in Canada, or is it commodity driven? Is there something the federal government is doing that's impeding this?
Obviously, in the north, we've never had real infrastructure to support resource development. We're moving more in that direction. Of course, we want to be accommodating to resource development industries, because we know that it's those companies that drive jobs and opportunities for people who live across the northern regions.
I'd like to get a better understanding of what your message is around that and what we should be doing. I heard your piece about needing an infrastructure program for the north. No one who has sat at this table who I can remember hasn't told us that, which is good. In addition to that, is there something we should be doing that we're not doing that will encourage more exploration?
Then the chair will take over.