Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
My name is Peter Turner. I'm president or executive director of the Yukon Chamber of Commerce. The Yukon chamber develops policies and positions through a number of sector-specific policy committees, including our transportation and infrastructure committee, which is chaired by Kells Boland. Kells will speak in a moment.
In the absence of a comparable territorial chamber in Nunavut, and until very recently an unstaffed Northwest Territories chamber, the Yukon chamber also provides a pan-northern voice, perspective, and engagement on subjects impacting northern businesses. For example, we are currently working with Global Affairs Canada and the Arctic Economic Council to help recruit council members for the AEC.
This pan-northern perspective extends to some of the work that our transportation and infrastructure committee undertakes, and I'd like to introduce the chair of the committee, Kells Boland. Mr. Boland is a principal of the Calgary- and Whitehorse-based PROLOG Canada, which focuses on transportation infrastructure across Canada. I'll turn it over to Kells at this point.