I'm not a regular on this committee, but I certainly appreciated your testimony today. I'm a member of Parliament from Alberta. Right now, obviously, we are watching our north very closely. In Alberta, we're watching the Fort McMurray area. We've talked about emergencies in Attawapiskat. That's obviously a massive issue and emergency that we need to deal with—and also at La Loche.
I'm just wondering how Health Canada is involved in the evacuation, if they are. In previous years, when there were fires at La Ronge in northern Saskatchewan, I was at an evacuation site in Saskatoon and I was impressed by the way it was set up. I think it was Health Canada that was there, diagnosing and looking at people, especially aboriginal and first nations people, making certain they were in good health and checking for other health issues as well.
Are you involved in this Alberta evacuation?