Seeing that everyone seems to be here, we'll come to order, even though we're a few minutes early. We can fit more in that way.
Welcome everyone. Thanks for being here today. We are going to be hearing from the first nations and Inuit health branch in the first hour of our meeting. On behalf of the committee, I'd like to welcome Sony Perron, senior assistant deputy minister; Keith Conn, ADM, regional operations; Scott Doidge, director general, non-insured health benefits; Tom Wong, executive director, office of population and public health; and Leila Gillis, director, primary health care systems division. Thank you all for making time for us today.
We're having our meeting today on unceded Algonquin territory, as we always acknowledge.
I'm happy to give you 10 minutes to present your remarks, and you're free to divide that among yourselves, as you like. Is there more than one speaker this morning?