Thank you, Madam Chair.
My thanks to both of our witnesses. I think your testimony and the questions asked by member Blaney make it clear that you have a really challenging set of issues, all of which compound the problems. If you don't have adequate housing, if you don't have the investments necessary on the education side, if you don't have the investments on the health side, then all of those end up creating a vicious circle. Your testimony is coming across very clearly, and I thank you for that.
I wonder, if one were to try to look as far upstream as possible towards future solutions, what is it you would need with regard to your youth and the education of your young community members to address these issues related to capacity-building going forward? It seems to me that what you're really asking for is a way of solving the root problems, so I wonder if you'd like to go in that direction and advise on what you need done to address the capacity issues from a youth perspective.