When we deliver child welfare services, the legislative path for us has to be very, very clear on how that service is delivered, because that's what everybody relies on. If you're dealing with provincial legislation currently that does not outline that as a necessity, that notification to our Métis services that a family has come to their attention, then there's no mechanism for us to become involved at the onset. There's no mechanism for Greg's services of family connect to send people out scouting for a family throughout different communities who we know may be related to those children.
It's not hard. We've done it in the past when we've received phone calls like, “This is a family that has come to our attention. The child and the family may have come from these communities. They say they have family members out there. Can you help us with this?” Wow. Boom, boom. It's amazing how that moccasin telegraph can work when you're looking for people. It takes no time at all for us to locate them, even when we have to cross geographic borders into another province, which are not our borders, by the way. We have to do that, and that can be done. That's going to be a very important piece of it.