Just very quickly, I wanted to talk a bit about proposed section 90.31 of the proposed amendments, which allow for regulations to be developed that would set out requirements for any consultation that is to be undertaken by developers or proponents when it comes to the issuing, amending, renewing, suspending or cancelling of permits or authorization. DFN has already provided comments to CIRNAC on this, but to reiterate the essence of those comments, DFN believes, in accordance with UNDRIP—in particular article 3—that it has the right to self-determine and this includes being able to define and determine what meaningful consultation and accommodation should look like and how it should be carried out.
Also, all consultation must be carried out by the Crown in good faith and with the intention of substantially addressing the concerns of the affected first nation party. The Crown must also make all good-faith efforts to substantially accommodate any concerns that the first nation has about the decision, action and subsequent issue. This must always be the case, in any consultation, but what the process is and how it's carried out should be defined by the first nation community whose lands, resources and rights stand to be affected.
Another part is on proposed section 117.1, but I think I will just stop here and perhaps submit this statement because I feel that I'm running out of time and I'm just trying to rush through everything else.
How is that?