We'll come to order, please.
Welcome, everyone. We're very grateful today as always to be meeting on unceded Algonquin territory.
I just want to take one minute for some housekeeping, and then we'll get right into the session with our guests.
First, I want to say welcome back to David Yurdiga who's been doing yeoman service in Fort McMurray for the past several weeks, helping his community there. David, well done. It's nice to have you here.
I'd like to introduce the committee to Grant McLaughlin, who is joining us right now as a clerk for a while. You'll be seeing his face around, and we welcome Grant as well.
With regard to the suicide study, if you still have witness names you'd like to add to that list, I'm reminding you of the June 15 deadline for additional witnesses so that the analysts can plan the logistics of that trip and that study.
Then finally, you may recall at our last meeting we talked about having each member indicate which of the communities we're visiting are mandatory for them and which would be nice to have.
Michelle Legault, as our clerk, has kindly prepared a little form. It's easy to fill in. You check boxes. I'm going to ask Michelle to pass that around. Perhaps you or the staff members that are with you might get that done while we are here today. That would be great, but if not, certainly if we could have that completed form back for Thursday's meeting this week, that would allow us to build a budget and proceed with the study.
Thank you very much for that. Let's go right in.
We're very happy to have some guests from Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada. We welcome Paula Isaak, the assistant deputy minister, education and social development programs and partnerships; and Daniel Leclair, director general of the community infrastructure branch, regional operations. From Health Canada, Keith Conn is with us. He is the assistant deputy minister of regional operations. Dr. Tom Wong is here again, executive director, office of population and public health. From the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, we have Dr. Alain Beaudet, the president.
Welcome to you all.
Since we have this group for the full two hours, I wonder if we might give our speakers 15 minutes rather than the usual 10. Is there consent among the committee members for that?