Thank you. That is a wonderful question.
Youth are often expected to come up with solutions in a vacuum within this issue, and I know that youth carry a tremendous burden already. There are expectations from their families, from their communities, and within themselves about who they are as indigenous people and, in my case, about who they are as Inuit. Often, I believe, we don't do enough to ensure that they have the necessary ingredients to succeed.
There are so many of our youth who have succeeded despite the systems that are undermining their potential and their ability to be strong and proud Inuit. I commend our Inuit youth for all they are doing and for all that they have said they want for society, but I also say that we need to demand a better future, and Inuit youth need to stand up and say, in very clear ways, that the realities they have lived through are not acceptable and that we can all do better to improve the lives of Inuit youth.