First and foremost, I do not believe that it is respectful for the government to prescribe solutions for indigenous peoples when it comes to suicide.
As for many of the reasons that our communities are the way they are, it's because colonization and programs and policies of the Canadian government have created historic and intergenerational trauma. To now say, without true partnership with indigenous Canadians and representatives of indigenous Canadians, that the Canadian government will do this to prevent suicide is another form of speaking on our behalf and is not actually partnering in an Inuit-to-crown or nation-to-nation way.
The second part of this is that social equity is necessary. We have so much to do to be able to ensure that all Canadians have equity, and within the Inuit community there are very specific simple, straightforward measures that we can take to do that. As Canadians, we should all believe that we are.... We demand equity within Canada.