Thank you for your presentation. We probably do have the technology to get it up on the board, but we didn't today. I apologize for that.
We're hearing over and over again of the problem with funds to do the work, the great work, I'm hearing, that you guys are doing in the community. I'll ask you a question that comes from the analysts, because it was exactly what I was thinking in terms of testimony that was heard at the public hearing in Iqaluit. A witness noted that the federal program funding criteria were too narrow for some Inuit-specific initiatives. When program funding did arrive, partway through the fiscal year, it left only 20 weeks to deliver the program. A representative from Leave Out Violence Nova Scotia stated that she does not apply for federal funding, as the funding arrives too late in the year and only provides very short-term funding. To my understanding, they can do very little with it. They'll either have to return it or, in this case, she doesn't apply for it. It was recommended that funding be extended for multi-year initiatives.
First, how responsive have federal program criteria been to your community-based initiatives, right now and in the past, and what would be your recommendation for the future?