We're primarily a first nations community. We're about three hours south of Yellowknife, where the Mackenzie River begins. We're about 900 people. We're about 800 Dene, and we have about 100 Métis, and the rest are teachers, nurses. Yes, we do have our own health centre and we have a kindergarten to grade 12 school. Sometimes we have a difficult time graduating students. We lose them when they're 15 or 16 years old.
We still consider ourselves fortunate. A lot of our people are still practising the traditional economies: hunting, fishing, and trapping. At the same time, I'm starting to say to people that no matter what they're going to go into, education is key. The elders are telling us the land and the culture will always be there, so I'm telling young people, “Get your grade 12. Go out to college, university, and then come back, because we'll always be here.”