One thing I strive to do is maintain a healthy culture of what a respectful relationship looks like. A lot of times in the work that I've done, many people who have even just thought about suicide have been connected to a relationship that has gone bad. In the work I do, I have a lot of conversations on what a healthy relationship looks like. If you were to put yourself in the shoes of the other gender in that relationship, how would you want to be treated? I try to get that view, compare that, and make sure they have that understanding of what relationships are intimately and with friends. What are the different types of relationships you can have? You can go into what overall is a healthy relationship. That's what I try to bring to the work I do.
A lot of the work I do stems from ending violence initiatives, and I talk about ending violence initiatives, relationship violence, and bringing an understanding of what that looks like. Those are the kinds of obstacles that it comes to when we're talking about barriers to that connectivity. A lot of them are linked into relationships, and when we talk about suicide and link that to relationships, that's one of those major points.