I could speak to the work I've done with the Quesnel Tillicum Society Native Friendship Centre.
One of the things that has been difficult with this changeover and this new relationship is the uncertainty of knowing if those dollars are going to be there come the new fiscal. I've seen in my work with the Quesnel friendship centre as a board director that come March 31 we don't have the dollars there and we have to start giving notice of layoffs. Then that individual who has made all those connections and has been there for a long time, and has had that long-term relationship, has now been told they won't have a job come March 31 and they need to be finding new employment. Six months later, the dollars come through and that person already has new employment, and now we're having to start back from scratch virtually making those same connections with a new employee.
Like I said, the relationship has been difficult, and that's coming from the uncertainty of whether or not their funding is going to be flowing through.