If you can send a copy of that proposal to the committee, that would be very helpful. Maybe you can take a look at it from the perspective of areas where they need to be updated. For example, additional gaps might not have been identified, or the service at this current time could utilize attention. That would be, I think, very useful for the committee to take a look at, as well. That would be what we would call soft infrastructure.
On the flip side of it, what about the infrastructure facilities? A lot of the witnesses who spoke to us, particularly from the youth, talked about the issue of connectivity. I think connectivity can have many meanings. Most certainly, I think the ones to which they were referring were the cultural aspect, the traditional aspect, and the historical aspect, but also the connectivity to family as a support network.
One youth, in particular, talked about how he's going through a process now of sobriety, how he's going to sweat lodges, and how it's helped cleanse him in that process. I'm wondering about that infrastructure, sweat lodges for youth, and particularly youth recreational centres or activities used in that regard. What's that infrastructure like in your community?