Thank you all for being here this morning and for sharing your stories and the stories of your loved ones, who you're very close to.
A lot of what we've heard today, and especially yesterday when we met with a number of mixed indigenous youth at the UNYA centre, talked about the connectedness that is imperative in youth and the multi-faceted aspect of connectedness when you have, especially in urban centres, Métis and a number of youth. We had youth from across the country who were part of this program and therefore coming from very different national backgrounds.
UNYA, of course, is one element of providing that service within the urban setting, but could you take that a step further as to how you could see other programs that would help in ensuring that connectedness? Also, how do you draw them into it? That seems to be at the base of it. You've referred to that with Matt pushing you away, and the same thing with Nick, when they say, “I'm going to deal with this. Go away; leave me alone.”
I could start with Eric, and then Cassidy.