What I'm getting at is that you have the cultural protocol and then you have the provincial and federal health authorities. It's kind of going in and out of the relationships along the way to create this wraparound service. You deal with it at the front end when children are very young. These are the social and economic determinants that impact your lives, and this is the violence and blah, blah. You're educating them on that front and then if they do get into a crisis situation, a suicidal situation, you deal with that, and then you deal with the post side of the wraparound to try to come full circle, to bring them back around.
How do we formalize this relationship of starting at the beginning, going through educational forces, mental health forces, and then dealing with the provincial-federal forces, and then coming back around again to the cultural protocol? Do you know what I'm saying? I think it's so important. We need to formalize this so that we have some process, some method.