Thank you, both, for your wonderful testimony this morning. I have to say I really love your unofficial job titles too, “Still Waters Run Deep” and “Organizational Wizard”. That's good stuff. What you've told us today will be extremely helpful for us, so thank you for that.
You probably heard me say at the close of the last panel that there is an online portal for leaving more information, up to 3,000 words. If you want to convey something more to us that you weren't able to fit in today, Grant can help you to get connected with that website.
Also, we have developed an online survey, and because you're in the health field we would love for you to pass it along to your colleagues, or anyone outside of your organization in the health services delivery field, to help us build some really good data for the study as well.
I was going to close, but Jenny, did you want to say something?