That closes this panel. Thank you so much, Chief Bonnetrouge, for spending the day with us, really. We're very grateful indeed for that and for you taking the long journey that you took to get here. You've helped us in a tremendous way.
I'm not going to suspend the meeting. I think we're going to go right into comments from the floor. We have about half an hour. Then the committee needs to pack up and get on an airplane because we're going to do this again in Sioux Lookout.
In that half hour, it looks like we have four people who would like to speak, and that's wonderful. I'll ask you to sort of self-regulate to fit the four of you into that 30 minutes. You'll each have about seven minutes or so. That way everyone will have their chance at the microphone. We're very obsessed with time, it appears, and for that I apologize.
I'd love to welcome anyone at all who would like to come up to the standing microphone in the aisle there. If you would prefer to pull up a chair, that's wonderful as well. We'd love to have you at the table.