Thank you to the officials.
Thank you, Chair.
As I listened to your testimony and to the debate and read some of the previous work that has been done, there are two elements that sound like the objection was really about process, but in practice, the issues surround time limits on the review process. I think it has been indicated that, in practice, the YESAA sees that as important and is meeting or exceeding standards.
To say that it shouldn't be enshrined in legislation, I do struggle with that piece. Regarding the piece around exempting a project from reassessment, it sounds like they have also created, in policy through their board, some process around that.
Again, having it defined in the legislation, other than perhaps if there was objection to the process, I don't see that as really problematic because I think there appears to be an indication by YESAA that we didn't like the process, but that is an important element.
As I indicated in the past, I could see perhaps some objection to the federal minister providing binding policy direction because I think, given the spirit, that perhaps was a reasonable thing to review and look at.
Regarding the fourth component, to be frank, I am a little surprised because often the provinces and the first nations communities are there for the opportunity for delegation, to say that the federal government is going to stay out of your way and that we have authority that we can't give away or walk away from. Therefore, a delegation to a more local community should be embraced by Yukoners.
As I'm hearing these objections to the process, I'm looking at the three of the four elements and thinking those probably should have been embraced in terms of the legislation. I guess I would have seen a need for perhaps a much more modest revision. Those are some comments.
Regarding decision-making, take me to the end point of the decision-making around a mining process. It has gone through and you've got your environmental assessment done. Who's meeting? Who's making the decision? Can you give me the dynamics of the yes-or-no decision and who's making it?