Meegwetch to all three of our presenters. It's very appreciated. The knowledge and the experience you're bringing to this table is significant.
Chief Swappie, you can be assured that the members here will be reading your written submission, so some of the detail that you might not have had time to present orally will most certainly be considered.
I'd like to direct the majority of my questions to Chief Whiteduck, on whose territory my riding sits. I've had the privilege of interacting with Chief Whiteduck on many occasions, as recently as this past Saturday.
I do appreciate that this is the first time we've had an opportunity to interact in a parliamentary setting. I know that it will be recorded for posterity's sake, so I want to be judicious in what I ask you.
Chief Whiteduck, you have been a leader in your community since the 1970s, which distinguishes you in this crowd. Indeed, among all parliamentary leaders, there are very few who have your experience in leading a nation. Can you tell me a bit about how you have seen the federal government's policy towards comprehensive claims evolve over that time, specifically as regards the Algonquin experience? Where has it come from? We've heard where you see it is now. We understand your position with regard to extinguishment and so on.
Where has it come from, in your estimation, and where would you like to see it specifically go?