On February 25, we issued a declaration, an emergency on health and public health in our territory, and the reason we did that was because of all the stories that you've heard here today. Then three weeks after, we made that declaration and we had that meeting with Minister Philpott and also Minister Hoskins in Toronto to talk about our declaration and what we can do to address the issues that were contained in that emergency declaration.
We have agreed on a number of points how we should work together to begin to address those issues. We have agreed on a framework. We've agreed on a process on how we can begin to address not only the immediate stuff, but also the long-standing issues that we have, a process that is now under way. We are in regular contact with federal and provincial officials for us to begin to address the issues as to why we issued that declaration in February.
I'm going to ask Regional Chief Day, who was also at that meeting, to maybe expand on some of the things that we discussed at that meeting.