I call the meeting to order. I'm sorry for the delay. We were in the House exercising democracy by voting.
That aside, I wanted to recognize that we're on the unceded territory of the Algonquin people and we are in a process of truth and reconciliation. We start our meetings with the recognition by verbalizing it and we recognize that this committee, in particular, has an important role to play in how the truth and reconciliation process proceeds.
We're close to the end of a fire study, and I'm very pleased that you could come out and present to us in person. For those of you here by video conference, you're looking very good. We can see you and I hope that the audio is going to be as good. Thank you so much for participating.
The way it works is that presenters will have 10 minutes. We'll do all of the presenters and then we will go to a question-and-answer period. I'm going to remind MPs to be specific on who you direct your question to, so that we can be efficient and so we know how this is going to roll out.
If anybody has a brief or has one at home, or any notes at all, we'd appreciate it if you sent it into the committee under “briefs”. You can do that online and just send it in.
Let's get started. We have Six Nations of the Grand River. Then we have Laurence Pearce. Then we have Allan Peters.
Chief Ava Hill and Matt Miller from Six Nations of the Grand River, welcome. It's nice to see you again.