Thank you to all of the witnesses. I can appreciate what a challenge it is, with the restricted timelines that we have. Please understand that everyone goes through this challenge and that you're not alone. We find it frustrating ourselves.
I wanted to go directly to one particular aspect and I wanted to ask Chief Hill to comment. I invite Mr. Miller and Mr. Peters as well. Those are the three witnesses I'm seeking comment from.
The fact that the federal government stopped collecting statistics on fires on reserve as of 2010 is shocking. I'm offended to have learned of this. I'm surprised I didn't know this before, but it doesn't change how it makes me feel. I think most Canadians would be quite indignant hearing that.
My question goes specifically to how that data should be collected. How was it collected in the past and how should it be collected in the future? I don't presume that there couldn't be improvements. Who should assume responsibility?