We had two witnesses prior, and they were looking at this legislation very optimistically in terms of reducing court cases.
We have significant jurisprudence now, and any mining company knows that they have to be very early in terms of working with communities that are impacted. I don't think there's a mining company in Canada that doesn't know that. If they don't, they learn it pretty quickly.
It's clear that we have some concerns on our side, and some of our concerns relate to the issue of the commitment that the government's making. For example, I'll use Kinder Morgan, because it's very prevalent right now. Who do you get consent from? You have the 51 communities who have signed agreements. Clearly, as the earlier witnesses said, no means no. When you have a community or two whose rights need to be respected with their no.... I've asked this question a lot of times, and I still haven't had anyone that's really made me comfortable with what the answer is.
Should there be a reference question to the Supreme Court beforehand, so that we really understand some of these concepts?