Thank you so much, Chair.
Thank you to both of you, Ministers, and to your staff for being here today with us.
My first question is for Minister Vandal.
We are doing another study. I would hate to count how many studies we've done on food security in the north, but we're doing another one. Hopefully, this one will actually see some action in the future.
President Obed from ITK said, “The primary issue is the purpose of the program”, and I'm talking about nutrition north. If the purpose of the program is that it's a social program, with 100% of the money going to the people who need it, then we need a program that is completely transparent and accountable.
A point-of-sale rebate is a marketing tool, but it is not an effective mechanism in the way it is being used. Until we fix the systemic problems that leave the nutrition north program open to interpretation, I think people will continue to say it isn't working for them and they will demand a better nutrition north program.
We're hearing loud and clear from people—and all the testimony we've heard in the last two weeks has been very, very clear—that the program is still not working. People are still struggling to get appropriate nutrition, especially indigenous communities.
In the supplementary estimates, of course, you have announced that there are more resources, but I'm wondering if there is any practice or investment that is going to look at the program, assess it and maybe make it more of a social program that actually reflects the needs of the people in those communities.