In view of the fact that we have a quorum, accordingly I call this meeting to order.
I will start by acknowledging that, in Ottawa, we meet on the traditional, unceded territory of the Algonquin people.
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2) and the motion adopted on February 25, 2021, the committee continues its study of the subject matter of Bill C-15, an act respecting the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and to make related and consequential amendments to other acts.
This meeting is in place of last Thursday’s meeting that was cancelled due to votes in the House. We regret that Professor Dwight Newman and Professor Ken Coates could not be with us today. I have ensured via the clerk that they have the necessary information to send in written submissions.
For an orderly meeting, participants, please speak and listen in the official language of your choice. At the bottom of your screen on the globe icon, you can select “Floor”, “English” or “French”. You may switch from speaking one official language to another without changing the language in Zoom. When speaking, ensure that your video is turned on, and please speak slowly and clearly. When you are not speaking, your mike should be on mute.
Pursuant to the motion adopted on March 9, 2021, I inform the committee that Mark Podlasly and Stephen Buffalo have not completed technical pretests.
With us today by video conference is Mark Podlasly, director, economic policy, First Nations Major Projects Coalition. Representing the Mining Association of Canada, we have Kara Flynn, vice-president, government and public affairs at Syncrude Canada; and Tara Shea, senior director, regulatory and indigenous affairs. Also, as I mentioned, we'll be joined in the first hour by president Steven Buffalo from the Indian Resource Council.
Thank you, all, for taking the time to appear. Each organization has up to six minutes for an opening statement, followed by questioning.
Director Podlasly, please go ahead as our first witness.