I agree 100%. I think it's truly a blueprint that sets a foundation of clarity for everybody to work together. I think everybody wants that. Industry wants it. Political parties want it. Governments want it. Provincial and municipal governments and just people want it.
I think she's absolutely right. It sets the foundation of clarity for how we could all come together. It becomes a win-win situation instead of win and lose. I think it's a great opportunity for us to embrace this, but we need to make it happen. We can't let it not happen.
It has to get royal assent, or we're going to lose it. If something happens now.... We're in a minority government state. There could be an election and then it will die again. We have seen three examples already, Tina Keeper, Saganash and now we have this new bill.
If it dies again, what are we telling the rest of the world Canada stands for? Reconciliation is nothing but a word after that.