That's just in case.
Anyway, from my perspective, I think if you look at the issue of racial discrimination, you'll see right now that our young population are out there screaming about police brutality. They're watching what's happening in the United States, and there is some happening here in western Canada and in Canada.
Our people are asking why it is a Black person or why it is an indigenous person who's getting killed. Why is it happening to those particular groups of people? Why are Asian people now being beaten, and why is it still happening in this beautiful country in our mosiac of a beautiful multicultural society? Riel had that vision. It's good you complimented him, because he did have that vision, if you look back in his writings, of bringing all people to such a rich, prosperous land.
When you look at it from the view of racism and discrimination, we have to come back together. In terms of actual clarity, it's the responsibility of the government to make sure it's included in the blueprint of their mandate, not that it happens to be this government or that government that will hopefully put in their campaign that they are going to be committed to this, but that a process will actually be set in law that makes it clear that whoever is sitting as a government has the responsibility to ensure they combat racism, that they find a way to stop this and that we do not allow this in the country.
We have a beautiful country. I'm so proud of my country of Canada. I will go to war still at age 61 if people asked me to defend it. I love Canada, but from my perspective, we're losing our pathway. We need to get back to the basics of it. We can't get lost in the politics of it at times. We need to know that parties are going to be assuring all society, all Canadians, that when they take over the realm of this country, they have a responsibility and there's a bill that tells them they have to combat racism and try to stop it and do everything in their power to prevent it and to try to find a solution to overcome it.
I think this bill actually gives a lot of guidance and protection, but it also sets the mandate. We don't have to worry whether it's going to be in their political party platform or not. It's actually going to be very clear to them that they have an obligation and a legal obligation to do it.