It's legislation. With regard to taxation and regeneration, a lot of communities in the province of British Columbia are non-treaty, so the communities are very small. They don't have resources like a municipality, which can draw on taxation funds to sustain and contribute to their police agencies. The indigenous communities don't have that.
We're reliant on the 52-48 funding. It's 52% from the federal government and 48% from the provincial government. The indigenous communities should have a choice as to whether they want to have indigenous policing or to enter into tripartite agreements with the RCMP, with the existing police services.
Legislation is key, and becoming an essential service is key so that we can sustain our police services so that we can provide the safety if the communities choose. We do have communities knocking on our door and asking, “How do we get you and police services like you in our communities? How did you do it?” Those are the questions that we're being presented with by outside communities in the province of B.C.