The issue of overcrowding not only in Sioux Valley but in every other first nation needs to be addressed.
In Sioux Valley—cross our fingers here—we currently have no active cases in the community. I attribute that to effective communication by our management team. We are learning different communication styles to communicate to the elderly and younger people. We use social media, radio, door to door to educate our community about the virus and encourage everyone to take precautions.
We are in a lockdown right now, but people can still come and go freely. Unfortunately, we have two provincial highways that run through our community which doesn't allow us to set up any kinds of blockades. We're taking those measures within our community. Education is important, because then members of our community know. They come to us and ask if they are allowed to do this, and can they do that, and what precautions need to be taken. It's working for us right now.