Cindy Blackstock began her litigation through the CHRT in 2007. That's a long time ago. I'm really proud to be part of a government that has looked for ways to get out of court and to do the right thing by indigenous people, including settling long-standing claims and looking for new pathways that will result in fewer litigated solutions.
We were really thrilled to get to an agreement in principle at the end of 2021. The parties are at the table right now working very collaboratively on how to ensure that the money is dispensed to claimants in a way that's fair and transparent, but also in a way that's safe and respects that people's process to get that money does not in any way revicitimize or retraumatize them.
As a government, we have been learning from and watching other individual experience payments. We know that the way this unfolds will be critically important to people's mental health—