That's a question I would absolutely encourage you to ask the departments and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. All I can point to is what the Assembly of First Nations identified as being needed to help meet the housing needs of first nations communities. In 2021, that was pegged at about $44 billion. The federal government agreed with that assessment. They actually asked the Assembly of First Nations to do that.
There was a very recent one. When my audit was ongoing, it was a draft. It has since been finalized, and you can see that the need has almost order to meet the current housing needs for first nations communities. I believe it's much higher than what's sitting in the budget, but this is why you need a plan. You can't fund all of these housing needs in one year. It would be impossible to even spend that kind of money in a meaningful and intelligent way. You need a plan to figure out what the gap is—identified now by third parties—and how you fund that type of investment over time. Then it's about how you support communities to actually spend it.
What we saw in our audit was that priority was given to shovel-ready projects, or projects that were quick to turn around, but that isn't the case for all projects. You need to make sure that you've thought about the needs of each community, whether they are small or large.