I think it's an excellent question. I have to admit that this looks at, perhaps, the different types of funding programs that Indigenous Services Canada and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation have available. It would probably be a great question for the two of them. They have decided the types of programs and the funding sectors that are available under housing. It would be interesting to see if they have a green one.
We really didn't look at that sort of slicing and dicing. We were looking at funding for housing, period, and really targeting new builds that were needed and major repairs that were needed where a house is almost uninhabitable. We were really trying to hit fundamental things versus really targeted things.
I might suggest that the member look at one of the reports that I believe the commissioner of the environment and sustainable development is releasing tomorrow on green procurement in the federal government. There might be some good lessons learned there that could be applied to housing and funding programs for indigenous communities.