I will actually give you the number. It is over a $20 cost to taxpayers for every litre saved. Again, that is an estimate from your own department.
I want to get on to my next question. One thing I found interesting from the same program.... Wood stoves are one of the highest-emitting sources of carbon for home heating, as you likely know, Minister, so I found it strange that you would be spending carbon tax dollars on wood stoves. This is the document. It's an answer to an Order Paper question that we got right from your department. I'll go right to the first page, and this is for the money spent. On the first page, it is about funding to support the installation of wood stoves. Page two is about funding to support the purchase and installation of wood stoves. Again, on another page, it is about funding to support wood stoves. On the last page, it shows funding for the installation of close to 400 wood stoves, Minister.
The question is an obvious one. For this program, the carbon tax is supposed to be collected to reduce carbon. Here you are, as a ministry, funding projects of one of the highest-emitting sources of carbon, and that's a wood stove, Minister.
My simple question is this: Why are you funding wood stoves with the carbon tax?