We've just hired our first Inuit cadet, who will be attending Depot this month. They're the first Inuit member we've hired in the past decade. We've just hired two operators in our dispatch centre in Iqaluit, which you spoke about earlier, who speak Inuktitut. Also, all front counter staff at the Iqaluit detachment speak Inuktitut.
We have a 40-hour training regime at Depot for all RCMP cadets on indigenous studies. That includes the blanket exercise. I was part of the very first training exercise last week, where we now have a floor map journey. That's a more comprehensive lived experience for Inuit, first nations and Métis people for significant dates and the impact the RCMP has had.
I would suggest that while we're not there, we're certainly getting there.
The management action board, as well—