I'm going to interrupt you. Obviously, you're not getting to what I'm talking about.
We seem to have a challenge in the northern territories about trying to have indigenous policing in the territories. When I raised the question with the territorial government, they said they don't have the resources to cost-share either RCMP or indigenous police. When I talk to the federal government, and you're the third minister I've talked to, the response has always been that there is no enabling legislation.
I'm very disappointed that we're still taking this colonial attitude, where we have to have the indigenous government go to a third party for public safety. Why are we not engaging with indigenous governments to set up policing programs when we have resources at the federal level, but we have no partners to take it on because the provinces in some cases—in my situation, the territorial government—do not have the resources to cost-share? Why aren't we discussing this as a possibility for indigenous governments to engage?