Maybe before I answer I'll say thank you. Michael, it was you personally who opened my eyes to the dramatic need to increase investments, a few years ago, in advance of the budget 2022 decision to increase distinctions-based funding to the tune of $4 billion. I think your being a champion for housing in the north has reached those of us who come from other parts of the country, and it's an example of your providing sincere value to the work we do in Ottawa.
Let me say that engagement directly with communities has to be a big part of the answer. Minister Hajdu mentioned a moment ago some of the investments CMHC made. We do that through the housing accelerator fund and with reaching deals directly with communities; through Reaching Home—51 projects just in the Northwest Territories—by leveraging resources like the rapid housing initiative to identify project proponents that have the capacity to deliver; and through our distinctions-based funding by engaging directly with rights holders and empowering them to make decisions about their own communities, but acting as a reliable partner when it comes to funding.
I see I'm out of time here, but I just want to reiterate my gratitude for the work that you do.