At the end of the day, the federal government and the Blackfoot nations signed onto a treaty in 1877. Alberta came into Confederation in 1905. Our agreement is not with the province. In terms of anything that happens on the federal lands, what part do we feel the federal government ought to play? You ought to be behind us or in front of us or beside us in any battles that we're going to have with Alberta. That's federal jurisdiction. Your obligation, the fiduciary responsibility of Canada, is to protect the first nations you signed treaty with. If that means opposing Alberta, which we know is going to happen, then we have to fight this together.
This is why you're getting support for Bill C-61. It's because we know darn well what Alberta is going to do and what their next steps are. They don't have to announce it. We know. That fight is going to take place, I guarantee you, within the next year.