Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
Thank you to my fellow committee members and our witnesses for joining us today.
It's back to school in the House of Commons, which means back to work. First nations have been waiting far too long for this legislation and for action around clean drinking water, so I've been very eagerly awaiting today's meeting. I'm very grateful to our witnesses for putting forward, again, incredible recommendations that we've certainly taken note of.
I'd like to specifically shout out Chief Whetung-MacInnes. Thank you for situating women's voices and children in all of this. I think those are the stories that really break through and really present the reality of what people have been experiencing.
I certainly want to underline, as well, your caution to not politicize this. This is a non-partisan issue that all of us should deeply care about. I know that my fellow members of the committee are all here for the right reasons, so I look forward to getting through this work, getting through clause-by-clause, and getting to royal assent in a form that works for everyone and works for communities.
I'd like to actually start with the first nations advisory committee.
What's the role specifically? What did that consultation or engagement process look like with regard to this legislation?