Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Mr. Leonard, I'll ask you my question, which can also be answered by a chief.
When it comes to privatizing services, cities and municipalities face pressure from the private sector, including lobbying. As a result, the bill's wording doesn't rule out the privatization of service delivery on indigenous land.
We know that you have reservations about this topic. I think that we must take proactive steps and support first nations in developing the management of this jurisdiction in terms of drinking water and waste water treatment by and for indigenous communities. Drinking water and waste water systems must also remain the property of first nations and no exclusivity clause should be granted to private companies. This would ensure healthy competition in development and entrepreneurship by and for first nations.
Do you have any concerns about the fact that the bill doesn't exclude non‑indigenous companies from the privatization of service delivery, and that it lacks dispute resolution mechanisms in the event of a conflict or a failure to provide services?