It's very frustrating, because we've had zero input or consultation on the making of this bill. I share the sentiment of the chief of the Mikisew, who talks about water. Nobody talks about water except my nation. Water is the spirit of my life.
We have to deal with Alberta. We need a seat at the table. Our words are being unheard. How do we deal with the Alberta government when all of our lakes are poisonous? When I was young, I could drink water from everywhere. Cold Lake is the only two-sourced water left in Alberta. It's a very pristine lake, and I hope we can keep it that way.
We need input on this. We need a seat at the table when they're talking about treaty rights being impacted, because everything comes from source water. What are the animals going to eat? Biodiversity is changing. It's just frustrating.
You talk about consultation; we had zero input in the making of this bill, and that should change. We're here today talking about amendments. My technician has already given input. We need a seat at the table. We're already in court. Why can't we solve these issues? We should be at the table right from the start when you're talking about water. When we're born, we all come from water. Water is life. Things have to change.
I'll leave it at that before you cut me off.