Thank you.
I can, absolutely. We stand with Shamattawa. I grew up the way that.... I feel for the people up there, and I invite this entire committee and Canada to come visit our communities and see the reality of what our first nations face day to day with basic human rights like access to drinking water and source water.
Sometimes you go up to these communities and you come back down and you realize the disparity that many of our first nations are facing. This country has a lot to answer for over what we've been through for the past 150 years. I know that's not what we hear about the relationship between first nations and the rest of this country. I'm glad that we're finally here, having these really difficult discussions with each other. They're not always easy, but they're absolutely necessary, even when it comes to things like safe drinking water and sanitation.
I know there's a lot to work through. I know this is a really tough issue, and my heart goes out to Shamattawa First Nation.
Canada, you have to right that wrong with Shamattawa First Nation. We can't leave them hanging. For the minister, I'm glad about her comments on water and trying to work that way, but for the Department of Justice lawyers to go out and say the statements that they're making.... The right hand needs to know what the left hand is doing when you're going out there and speaking to my people, speaking to first nations. You can't say one thing on one hand and then have your lawyers coming to say something else in a legal way. The political way—yes, okay, there's that will. I'm glad you're all here today. I commend all of you for sitting here with us.
At the same time, when your lawyers are writing all these laws, that's where the mistrust comes from from us. These lawyers are there, and then they go into court and they say stupid things like that to first nations. They make us feel like.... I thought we were making progress.
It's hard as national chief to hear that the day before. I'm glad that we're working on this legislation and trying to co-develop and work through some of these pieces together, but we really have to work stronger together. Obviously, you're seeing the cracks in it, even before this committee happened this morning.
As I said, my heart goes out to the Shamattawa First Nation. Canada, right that wrong with them.
Thank you.