Thank you very much.
I would count Regional Chief Picard as one of my most trusted advisers, actually. He and I have spoken a lot about any kind of barrier that presents a challenge for graduation being, in particular, even more detrimental for indigenous students or for other students with vulnerabilities.
What I can say is that the focus of our federal Liberal government has been to really ensure that education is at the core of what we do. In fact, when we were first elected, I have to tell you that one of our first actions was to reverse the discriminatory funding for education systems on first nations. The Conservatives had kept first nation education systems barely able to keep the lights on. In fact, many first nation boards of education really struggled to deliver curriculum, with, in many cases, a significant disparity between what was offered for provincial students in the same setting. That's why not only equity in funding but also reshaping how we support communities to deliver their own education, culturally appropriate education, is leading to increases.
My colleague here spoke about Judy Desmoulin, Long Lake #58, and the incredible success rate they're seeing. I have to say that's in my riding, and I'm really proud of communities that are able to turn things around, from seeing very few students graduate to seeing almost the whole grade 12 class graduate.
In Quebec, for example, in 2022, one of the most wonderful moments of my year that year was signing an agreement with 22 first nations to manage and deliver education for over 6,000 students in their own communities with their own developed curriculum.
I will say this. We work really hard to support first nations to make sure that they have all the appropriate supports in place so that those students are set up for success. We're seeing the results. The graduation rates over the last five years for indigenous students have increased by 10%. That sounds like a small number, but it's huge and significant to those students who are going to go on to be the leaders of those communities.
I can tell you that in Biigtigong, which is also in my riding—a community I know very well—when students graduate as teachers, as doctors, as construction workers, as water operators, they go back to the community and they build a strong community. Those communities have such a wonderful chance to thrive. That's the work we're doing together with first nation communities.