Thank you.
During my short previous round, I omitted to thank all three of you, ministers, and the officials for coming. Thank you so much for being here.
Minister Anandasangaree, with regard to the letter from Judy Gingell, chair of the Yukon Residential School Missing Children Project, I just want to read out two paragraphs from the letter very briefly to get your response.
One paragraph says:
This prolonged uncertainty is detrimental to our planning and execution of the vital work initiated by the YRSMCP Working Group. Not to mention the added stress imposed on the Survivors who have committed themselves to this work but now feel silenced by these delays.
Later on, it says:
It is imperative that we establish open lines of communication and ensure that all projects receive the timely support they need to fulfill our shared commitment to addressing the legacy of residential schools and supporting the families affected by this tragic history.
Minister, I believe that communities shouldn't have to limit their work on this subject due to the prospect of uncertain funding available from the federal government. I wonder if you can share some clarity on how the funding will continue to work and perhaps provide some certainty to the YRSMCP working group—and others around the country, for that matter.