I call this meeting to order.
This is meeting number 27 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs.
As always, I want to start by recognizing that we are gathered on the ancestral and unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinabe people and by expressing gratitude that we're able to do the important work of this committee on lands that they have stewarded since time immemorial.
Before getting into the substance of today's meeting, I just want to deal with some unfinished business from our last meeting. At the end of the meeting, Mr. Genuis raised a point of privilege. For members' recollection, he said:
...we had an instance today where ministers were asked direct questions by multiple different members of the opposition. They refused to answer some; they prevaricated in [multiple responses] to others. I believe you will find that this is a matter touching on the privileges of members. If you so find, I'm prepared to move the appropriate motion.
Witnesses are not allowed to just refuse...direct questions. Whether they are ministers or other witnesses, that is the rule of the process—hence, the question of privilege. I look forward to your ruling on that.
I just want to get back to that first. I wasn't quite prepared to make a decision on this at the time because, as many members will know, there are lots of things that are happening in committee at any one time for the chair to be on top of. I wanted to have a chance to review the blues to see what was said and the answers. I hope members know that I took this very seriously. I try to do everything I can to ensure that members have the appropriate time to ask their questions and to get substantial answers.
I think that in this case the ministers did answer the questions. They were maybe not the answers that members were looking for. They were maybe not specific and direct answers, but I do believe that the ministers did provide answers to those questions. In many cases, ministers were actually interrupted in the process of answering those questions, or there were very long questions and then the ministers, as they were answering those questions, were interrupted.
I think there were many questions that were answered where there may not have been a very simple answer to them, even if a yes or no question was asked.
While I do very much sympathize with this motion, and I do believe it's important for ministers and all witnesses to do their very best to answer those questions, I don't believe that this meets the threshold of being a violation of the privilege of members. There will always be opportunities for members and the committee to reinvite these ministers or other witnesses to reappear before the committee to answer similar or different questions, if it is the will of the committee to do that.
My ruling is that this is not actually a point of privilege.
I have Mr. Battiste first here with his hand up.